OVS1O - Preparing for Grade 9 Math

Course Code: OVS1O
Format: Online School Course
Prerequisite: None
Tuition Fee (CAD): Free
Start: Anytime
Demo Lesson
Course Description For Preparing for Grade 9 Math Online Course
Ontario Virtual School (OVS) is proud to offer this free Grade 9 Math Preparation course to assist grade 8 students as they prepare for success in the transition to high school math. This course will allow students to begin developing their understanding of mathematical concepts related to algebra, analytic geometry, measurement and geometry.
OVS1O is specially designed to help you:
- refresh the math skills necessary to succeed in secondary school math courses
- address the underlying skills gap between elementary school and high school math
- deepen your understanding of foundational math concepts
- strengthen your critical thinking skills
- develop e-learning skills that will allow you to be a confident and active eLearning student in the future
- prepare for the Grade 9 EQAO math assessment
- understand the day-to-day applications of math in your daily life & appreciate its importance
- increase your confidence (and reduce your anxiety) when it comes to math in general!
This teacher-supported course is absolutely free!
You can register and start anytime.
Please note: completion of this course will NOT earn you a high school credit. This means that completion of this course will not be included on any current or future high school record or transcript. This course is to be considered as a general interest course only.